Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Приложения

Remote Assistant 2.6
Contact centers are increasingly looking to implement a mobileworkforce. They want their agents to be able to log in from theirphone and interact with customers from wherever they may be. EnterOpenScape Contact Center Remote Assistant. OpenScape Contact CenterRemote Assistant provides agents with a new way to work – fromanywhere. What you can do: - Set the phone you want to receiveincoming OpenScape Contact Center calls on (mobile, smartphone,office, home, etc.) - Change your routing status (e.g. fromunavailable to available) - View detailed contact information onincoming calls like source, target, queue, etc. - View thereal-time status of your fellow agents - Access queue statisticslike the number of contacts in queue, queue availability, servicelevel, abandon rate, and more Note: This App is designed to workwith OpenScape Contact Center and requires additional software toenable. For further information on enabling the app, please contactyour local Unify Account Manager
Reporter OSC Fault Management V1.0.7 (built V9 R0.20)
OpenScape Fault Management Reporter (FMR) is a mobile client forOpenScape Fault Management. Automation, visibility and control overthe network drives operational efficiency and guaranties a highavailability. With OpenScape Fault Management Reporter you arealways in touch with your network. The FMR gives an overview of thecurrent status of the monitored systems and alarms(events).OpenScape Fault Management provides smart filtering –making sure the right people are getting network status andalarming information quickly. The OpenScape FMR client is availablewith the latest version of OpenScape Fault Management (V9 &V10).
Dashboard 2.3
Contact Center managers are constantly on the move. They need tohave a view into their contact center operations wherever they are– at home, in the car, at work, at lunch. Enter OpenScape ContactCenter Dashboard. OpenScape Contact Center Dashboard providesreal-time monitoring and management of OpenScape Contact Centeragents, skills, and more on your phone. It allows you to monitorthe current state of your OpenScape Contact Center and to make thechanges necessary to keep your operations running smoothly. It’ssimply the better way to manage your contact center. What you cando: Monitor and control all of the important aspects of yourcontact center, including: - Agent Summary: Number of agents loggedon, logged off, idle, away, busy, active - Queue Summary: Number ofwaiting calls, oldest call, number of received, answered, abandonedand redirected calls - Agent Status: View the real-time status ofall agents including their routing status, presence status,registered media, etc. - Queue Status: View all waiting contactsfor all available media like voice, callback, email, Twitter andFacebook as well as queue availability, service level, abandon rateand more - Change the routing state of an agent (e.g. fromunavailable to logged off) - Configure which agents you want to beincluded in the view - View all available skills for each agent andremove skills from an agent or assign new skills to the agent -Change queue parameters on the fly: activate emergencyannouncements, adjust the maximum queue length, and more Note: ThisApp is designed to work with OpenScape Contact Center and requiresadditional software to enable. For further information on enablingthe app, please contact your local Unify Account Manager
Mobile Supervisor V9R0.111
OpenScape Contact Center Mobile Supervisor provides theContactCenter Supervisor with quick access to real-time agent andqueuestatus. The Supervisor can change the status of an agent aswell asaccess summary and detailed agent and queue stateinformation.
OpenScape Mobile Pro 10.0.70
VoIP, HD Video and sophisticated UC capabilities combined into asingle client.
Unify Office
Work from anywhere with team messaging, video conferencing, andphone calling.
Circuit by Unify 1.2.5901
Circuit collaboration software improves teamwork by bringingvoice,video, screen-share, messaging, and file sharing togetherinto asingle platform with one unified view. To trial Circuit forfree,click here: http://www.circuit.com Features include: •PrivateConversations • Open Conversations • Conversationssynchronizedwith other Circuit device • Plain text messaging •Commenting andreply • Flagging • Deleting messages • Audio andvideo calling •1-2-1 and group calling • Joining active calls •Active speakerdynamic calls stage • Mute • Moving calls betweenCircuit devices •Access to conference details • PSTN dial in •Search • Basicconversation management – leaving and adding people •Manage datawith wifi only calling options • Presence status • Viewusersprofiles • Application notifications Note: Rooted devicesareblocked for systems where the provider running that systemhasrequested it for security reasons. Please contact your local ITifyou believe they should not have done this and if they requestit,the restriction can be removed.
OpenScape Web 2.4.0
Desktop Sharing & Remote Control, Instant Chat, Audio &Video Messaging.
Unify Phone 2.0.48-2
Unify Phone brings advanced mobility and call features forOpenScape platforms